
The Whip Mix Blog

Water Bath Maintenance and Care

The Whip Mix Water Bath, be it the older analog or digital version, will require routine preventative maintenance from time to...

10 Reasons to Consider the SinterPro (if You’re in the Market for a Sintering Furnace)

There are a number of sintering furnaces on the market and most work well. The best reasons to choose one over another are the...

Selecting the Right Wax for Dental Applications

There are a number of different waxes used in the dental industry and how and when you use them is determined by a number of...

Increased Productivity Utilizing Roland DG's DWX-52DC Multi-Disc Mill

One of the challenges most labs face is to increase productivity without having to utilize additional resources. And milling...

Out with the old and in with the new…3 new scanners from 3Shape!

With the digital market becoming more competitive, 3Shape has officially launched a new line of scanners and they have...

10 Reasons to See Whip Mix at LMT Lab Day in Chicago

2017 is shaping up to be a banner year for dental laboratories and Whip Mix is thrilled to play a significant role in it! New...

How to Protect Your Dental Lab’s CAD/CAM Workstations from Viruses

Almost every day there are new threats appearing on the internet and it can seem like an impossible task to keep your computers...

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