Understanding Today's Milling Materials [eBook]
Zirconia used as an indirect dental restorative material has become the defacto standard due to its unique ability to be...
Whip Mix Insights: Providing Our Customers with a Great Experience
Recently, I had a call from a very concerned customer in Canada. He had just spent the weekend worrying about an article he...
Why Is My Gypsum Behaving Strangely?
As someone who has worked with many dental gypsum products, I have encountered all types of issues from changing working times,...
4 Things to Consider When Purchasing a 3D Printer for Your Dental Lab
New, more affordable 3D printers are hitting the market everyday. As a result, a large number of dental labs have either...
I'm Getting Incomplete Castings/Pressings…What's Going On?
Generally, temperature issues cause incomplete castings. We often hear “it was not burned out all the way”…but really what do...
Replacing the Drive Nut on a VPM2 & VPMmini Vac-U-Mixer
The VPM2 and VPMmini Vac-U-Mixer feature a plastic cross shaped drive nut, which is designed to wear out over time. Its purpose...
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