
The Whip Mix Blog

The Use of Temperature to Disinfect or Dry out Gypsum Models

In this day and age, we all seem to be in a rush and demand that things move quickly. This includes our daily schedules,...

How to prevent Models from Breaking When Using Vacuum Formed Materials

Recently , our Technical Support Department received this question:

I'd like to be able to pour up a single model and use it...

Investments – The Ratio Thing

Even in this digital-inluenced world, many technicians still use dental investments for pressing and other processes - though...

The Importance of Calibrating Your 3D Printer [Video]

As with any mechanical product with moving parts, calibrating a 3D printer plays an important role in ensuring consistent...

3 Common Things to Check If Your Xcavator Is Not Divesting Properly

The most common call I receive regarding the Xcavator is that the ring did not divest properly. There are several things that...

Whip Mix Insights: Three Factors Changing the Future of Dental Lab Business

The future..

The business environment for the dental lab will not undergo a sudden, dramatic change but the changes will evolve...

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