
The Whip Mix Blog

CAD/CAM Technology: Purchase for What You Use, Outsource the Rest

With so many options in the digital technology market today, it can be confusing for the small dental lab or practice owner to...

7 Requirements for a Dental Scanner and Mill Set-up

In today's digital world our expectations have been elevated by the fact that many of our everyday, household technologies,...

The Do's & Don'ts of Phosphate Investments

As dental technicians we become familiar and comfortable with routine and processes. When something goes wrong, we then wonder...

Myth: A Specific Furnace Is Needed to Press Certain Types of Pressable Ceramics

In the world of pressable ceramics there are many options and many combinations including monolithic, press to metal and press...

Digital Technology: What We Can Imagine vs. What Is Possible

Walt Disney formed an interesting group of people many years ago and called them “Imagineers”; a name which in itself was a...

A Look Back at 9 Key Moments in Dentistry [Infographic]

We all have had moments in our life that have helped shape us into who we are today. The same holds true for the United States,...

Four Contributing Factors to Ensure Beautiful Restorations

Properly fired, natural-looking restorations are the result of only a few considerations. These limited but critical factors...

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