Investing in CAD/CAM Equipment: Lease Vs. Purchase
My wife and I both grew up in conservative families in conservative Cincinnati Ohio where you only purchase what you can pay...
Understanding the PTC 3Shape Training App
“I am interested in going digital and want to integrate a 3Shape scanner into our lab’s work flow, but what training can you...
Whip Mix Insights: What's In A Name? Understanding Today's Dental Technician
Juliet:"What's in a name? That which we call a roseby any other name would smell as sweet."
3Shape Quick Tip: How to add a Dentist/Dental Office
When purchasing a 3Shape Dental system it's very important to keep organized. If you are not careful your system can start to...
Combatting Air Bubbles in Dental Ceramics
The goal with any restoration is to simulate natural dentition as much as possible. Restorations that contain air bubbles can...
The Age Old Question: 4-Axis vs. 5-Axis Dry Milling
Well I don’t know if it is the age-old question or not, but it is one that has been discussed in the dental lab industry for...
3Shape Quick Tip: How to Ease into Dental Manager 2015
As we all know change is a very scary topic to encounter especially when it affects the work flow of your business. When...
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