Which 3D Printer is Right for Your Lab?
Every month more and more dental laboratories are adopting 3D printing technology. Sometimes labs feel forced into purchasing...
The One Thing You Need To Do Before Purchasing a 3D Printer for Your Dental Lab
Word has it that 3D printers will be the buzz at Chicago Lab Day this year, especially with so many new 3D printers hitting the...
Digital Technology and the Removable Lab
Digital technology has stepped up its game in the removable arena. As a removable lab looking to go digital, it can be both...
Out with the old and in with the new…3 new scanners from 3Shape!
With the digital market becoming more competitive, 3Shape has officially launched a new line of scanners and they have...
Why Invest in 3D Printing
The use of digital impressions is rapidly growing, as they offer patient comfort, increased accuracy (providing the office has...
3 Things to Consider When Coloring Full Contour Zirconia
Let’s face it, achieving spot on shades with full contour zirconia isn’t always easy. There are so many variables that can...
Whip Mix Insights: The 5 Rules of Negotiation
I recently sat in on a presentation given by Jack Kaine with a local group of entrepreneurs discussing “Mastering the Art of...
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