
The Whip Mix Blog

Remember Your Internal Parts!

After a recent visit to the physician, I am reminded that we often overlook the internal parts of our machines. Weather that is...

Intelligent Guessing in Arbitrary Articulation

When it comes to mounting patient cases on Full Frame Articulators, we always hope that there is good patient information that...

Infinity & PDQ Burnout Ovens - A History

Lost wax casting technology is for the most part, a lost topic in Dental Technology these days. The advent of Zirconia...

Tired of Soft or Brittle Gypsum Models? There is a Solution.

There are instances when dental models break easily, flake at margins, or are just too soft. There is an easy fix for that....

The Whole Idea of Goals

My Dad used to tell me when I was young that if you did not have a Goal then you could not have a plan. In addition, if you did...

Bringing the Year to a Close; What’s the Plan?

Sometimes as technicians, we find ourselves caught up in the frantic nature of this time of the year. With insurances coming to...

It's Beat the Freeze Time!

Every fall we encourage laboratory users of liquids to estimate their consumption of those liquids through the winter months....

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