Whip Mix Insights: 3 Reasons You Should Rely on Your Dental Lab for Decisions on Restorative Materials
The past 35 years of my association in dentistry, I have witnessed a plethora of restorative materials (for a great laugh, look...
Improving Your Digital Technical Support
Each of us want the best support we can possibly have, especially when it comes to the CAD/CAM technology we've invested in....
Whip Mix Insights: Understanding Contacts
I’ve had several calls in the last few weeks from both laboratory personal and dentists, regarding the fit of contacts on...
Understanding Today's Milling Materials: Zirconia Blocks and Isostatic Pressing
Open any of the dental technical periodicals and you will see ad upon ad for Zirconia materials. With many choices available it...
3 Factors Affecting Consistency in Casting During the Investment Process
The “controlled environment” in which investment materials are developed and manufactured at Whip Mix, is not the normal...
Choosing a Roland DG Dental Mill for Your Lab: DWX-50 or DWX-4
Roland DG recently introduced the DWX-4 milling machine for dental applications. This introduction has some customers...
Using e.Max® with Standard Pressing Furnaces
e.MAX® has become a very useful and well accepted tool for dental restorations. Many dental technicians and clinicians are...
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