
The Whip Mix Blog

CAD/CAM Technology: Purchase for What You Use, Outsource the Rest

With so many options in the digital technology market today, it can be confusing for the small dental lab or practice owner to...

The Do's & Don'ts of Phosphate Investments

As dental technicians we become familiar and comfortable with routine and processes. When something goes wrong, we then wonder...

Digital Technology: What We Can Imagine vs. What Is Possible

Walt Disney formed an interesting group of people many years ago and called them “Imagineers”; a name which in itself was a...

Functional Occlusion in the Dental Lab: Understanding the 3 Classes of Occlusion

Occlusion is defined as making contact with the surface of an opposing tooth when the jaws are closed. As dental technicians,...

Why Compressive Strength Is Important When Choosing a Dental Stone or Plaster

Dental Stones and plasters have long been a staple in the removable (Full Denture, Partial Denture) specialties. Because of the...

The Do's And Don'ts of Gypsum Model Preparation

Digital technology has taken over many dental labs, reducing the need for gypsum models and other traditional techniques. And...

The 3 Phases of Restorative Dentistry

After participating in several Dental meetings over the past few months, I think that there needs to be some discussion of the...

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