
The Whip Mix Blog

7 Things to Remember When Mounting Cases Using a Face-bow Record

With a growing emphasis on esthetics, more dentists are starting to take a face-bow record and sending it along with the case...

10 Tips for Maintaining Your Articulator & Face-bow

When I visit dental schools and speak with faculty members, or attend dental meetings, I am amazed and impressed with the...

Common Occlusion Terms Every Dental Lab Technician Must Know

Dentistry has a common language, and it is important that Technicians, Dentists, Dental Assistants & Hygienists are all...

Achieving Effective Doctor-Laboratory Communication

One of the most frustrating setbacks on an aesthetic dental treatment is having major discrepancies in the vertical axis of...

Using your Hanau™ Ulti-Mate Mounting Platform

The Ulti-Mate Mounting Platform was designed to be used as an aid in the arbitrary mounting of dental casts to the Ulti-Mate...

What is a Micron? Why should you care?

To start, a micron is defined as a metric unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter. To break that down even further,...

Improve Your Arbitrary Mounting with These 8 Steps

Technicians are often tasked with mounting casts to Semi-Adjustable Large Frame Articulators without the aid of a Facebow...

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