
The Whip Mix Blog

Are Articulators Still the Gold Standard in Dentistry?

With the heavy push for digital dentistry and all things virtual, I have been asked to address the question “Are Articulators...

Selecting the Proper Articulator Part 4: Fully Adjustable Articulators

I have been asked over the years; Do I need to have a Fully Adjustable Articulator?

Selecting the Proper Articulator Part 3: Adjustable Inclination and Bennett Angle Settings

In the last 2 parts, we discussed condylar guidance settings and why average/arbitrary settings work for most of the patient...

Selecting the Proper Articulator Part 2: Open Fossa vs Closed Tracking Instruments

This blog is a continuation from our earlier discussion, where we covered the popularity of the fixed setting articulator.

Selecting the Proper Articulator Part 1: Fixed Setting Instruments

This article is a 3-part continuation of an earlier discussion on “Eliminating the Mystery of the Semi-Adjustable Articulator,...

Why Taking a Facebow Registration is an Important Part of the Restorative Treatment Regime

With each case you start - single tooth crown to complete full mouth restoration - your goal is always the same; to deliver a...

Eliminating the Mystery of the Semi-adjustable Articulator Part 2

In Part 1 of this Blog, we covered the basic description of semi-adjustable articulators, how they function and why they are...

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