Fifteen years ago, Whip Mix had been providing its customers with milled zirconia crown and bridge units using very large mills. Soon after, mills became smaller to fit on a benchtop, more affordable, and maintained (and even increased) their accuracy. Labs started to realize that they could mill those units in-house instead of outsourcing them. This created a boom of small mills that suddenly appeared in the marketplace. At that moment, the CAD-CAM milling revolution had started in earnest.
To accommodate the new digital approach to dental technology, Whip Mix decided to change its education programming.
We decided we would help our customers to launch their digital voyage by helping them to discover why, when, and how to adopt the new technologies. The number of affordable mills started growing, but what mill best suited the labs’ workflows?
Which materials were best for each lab’s business model? How would they successfully use the new software and firmware? How would they justify the expense? How could they make an ROI look attractive?
To help answer those questions and more, we created the Digital Forum, where labs could come together to listen to industry experts and share information with their peers. From the very first Forum, in 2012, labs started to take notice and attend the event. We were thrilled that the event helped all of us grow together.
It’s now 2022 and we are proud to announce Whip Mix’s 10th consecutive year of comprehensive education, camaraderie, networking, and lots of fun!
This year’s Digital Forum, entitled Educate, Collaborate, and Make Your Mark in Digital Dentistry, is being held on Friday, October 28, and Saturday, October 29, 2022. It’s bigger and better than ever, with world-renowned dentist and laboratory speakers, experts in CAD-CAM technology, and exhibitors that support the industry’s venture into digital technology.
Listen to and mingle with our amazing group of speakers as they share their knowledge and experience with you. Click HERE to see who is speaking and what they’re speaking about.
The event will cover the most important and prevalent subjects in the dental industry. They will include lecture and hands-on participation courses:
- Clinical considerations for digital dentistry
- Unprecedented Practice Action for Unprecedented Times
- 3D printing for lab and dental office
- What you should know about 3D print resins
- Implant workflows
- Working with 3Shape CAD software
- Engaging employees in regulatory compliance programs
- How your business culture affects your metrics
- Making successful orthodontic aligners
- Ensuring success with hybrid cases
- Understanding CAM software
- How to print the perfect denture
- The latest in zirconia restorations
- Engaging your employees in regulatory compliance
- and many other relevant and timely topics.
Oh, and if you are a CDT or dentist, pick up a minimum of 12 hours for Scientific, Regulatory, and Professional Development credit.
This popular event attracts dentists and technicians and is already filling up rapidly. If you are considering joining us this year, we highly recommend registering as soon as you can. It is one of the most anticipated educational forums of the year.
Sign up now for the biggest, baddest Whip Mix Digital Forum yet!
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