Whip Mix Blog

Technical Resources: Seek and You Shall Find

Written by Sharon Britt | September 10, 2020

Did you know there is a treasure trove of quick technical help and education from Whip Mix? It is right at your fingertips in our Whip Mix Resource Library. You can find it located between Products and Shop on the Whip Mix home page. This area provides a lot of useful, practical information for Technicians, Lab Owners, Dentists, Educators, Dental Students, Dealers, and International Customers to be able to quickly seek, pick, and learn.

Different types of Learners can really benefit from this resource. Which kind of “Learner” are you?

  1. For a “Visual Learner”, there is a wide choice in the Whip Mix Videos View anything from using CAD/CAM with 3Shape Scanners to learning how to incorporate Bellus 3D Facial Scanning. Watch videos about ASIGA or VeriBuild3D printing features, installation, or repair, or learn about using Whip Mix furnaces. See the differences between articulators, become more knowledgeable on occlusion, and learn how to take patient facebow and bite records. Get more educated on bruxism and airway monitoring. You can learn how to repair some lab equipment by watching and following the systematic instructions. Learn the proper way to do things chairside from the clinical technique videos.
  2. For you “Auditory Learners”, watch and listen to our many Webinars and receive free CE credits. You will find a variety of topics to choose from that will satisfy either your regulatory or scientific CE requirements.
  3. If you are a “Reader Learner”, then you may prefer our free eBooks or blogs. Read to follow the current Digital Changes affecting the dental and lab communities, or enjoy our Whip Mix’s “Tips and Tricks” for better results when using certain Whip Mix equipment and products.
  4. If you “Need Training to Learn”, select from our Digital Dentistry Training Series to receive Beginner or Advanced Training, and get free CE credit while doing it.

In addition, our other Resource Library features:

The SDS and Reach section, will delight the records keeper in your office or lab with printed information sheets for adding to your required compliance manuals.

The FAQ section helps with frequently asked questions, so if you have a burning question, your answer might already be right there.

The Sales Literature section provides informational flyers on products and equipment, and some are even available in foreign languages.

The Parts List can help you find parts needed for Articulators, Facebows, and some Equipment.

Now get those itching fingers moving because help is just a click away!

However, do not forget I am still here at Whip Mix ready for your emails and calls with a friendly voice to help you.


Sharon Britt
Technical Sales Associate
Whip Mix Corporation
800-626-5651 x 1270