Companies spend a lot of money and valuable time searching for the “right person” to help them continue to build on their successes. The impact of bringing someone new into the “work family” is significant, and as a hiring manager, each new Team Member you hire is a critical acquisition - and a tremendous personal responsibility.Questions to ask yourself before you start the hiring process . . .
- Do you really know exactly what you are looking for in the new hire?
- Are you planning the hiring with as much determination as you would when purchasing a new piece of critical equipment? It’s as important – or more so.
For example,
- You spec the equipment
- Prepare for the installation
- Determine where it will be located
- Decide what utilities you will need
- Calculate the ROI
- Train the operators on how to run and maintain the equipment
- Determine if the new equipment can be upgraded to meet future business demands
Why would a new hire not be worth at least as much forethought and consideration?
- Do you already have the “tools” to determine what you want (and if not, do you need to get them?)
- Your Company and Department goals and strategic plan – if the person you hire doesn’t fit what you want in the future, this could be a problem.
- The Job Description – if you cannot define and decide on what the new hire must have at a minimum to be successful in this position, look around you to see what you really like from your best Team Members. Those attributes should be what you are shopping for in a new Team Member! Build a team to create, or re-create the job description, including Human Resources, internal customers, co-workers, and feedback from the external customers.
- Use available tools such as the Predictive Index Behavioral Survey intelligently to determine what “type” of person may be most successful in the position. (DO NOT make this your whole thought process.)
- Will you and your “hiring team” be prepared for the recruiting process?
It may include:
- Accurate job ads - who will write them?
- Efficient screening of the stream of resumes - who will read them?
- The ability to conduct well informed interviews - who will conduct the interview?
- Making a great selection!
- Will hiring a new Team Member be hard work and fraught with potential problems? Yes! We are dealing with people who are dynamic individuals and unique human beings, but each needs to be filled with “managerial opportunity” for you, as the hiring manager, to be successful.
- What will you accomplish when you hire? You are building for the future of the Company, and providing a career opportunity for a person to thrive and support their family! If that doesn’t make you feel good, what does?Notice I didn’t touch the legal side of hiring. That will be another blog post. If you live up to your Values, and think critically, the battle is 90% won!