Today companies often talk about innovation and the need for constant improvement in their businesses. At Whip Mix, we have found that value can be created through better dental lab management. That's why our commitment to LEAN manufacturing principles is at the core of everything we do. It has become our way of life. LEAN manufacturing is essentially a relentless and persistent search to add value and eliminate waste...waste through which products flow are identified and eliminated, the process becomes better, leaner and more competitive.
So you might ask yourself, "That's great for a company the size of Whip Mix, but what does that have to do with the management of our dental lab?"
We see our dental lab customers as our business partners, when their business does well, our business benefits. So we have become LEAN process mentors. We work with our lab partners by passing along what we have learned in our journey. For example, we introduce them to value stream mapping.
Through value stream mapping we show them how to become more competitive and more efficient by streamling their processes. In addition, we put them on the road to developing better quality systems that make for better business.
In short we have become a resource not only for products but for process improvement management. Once learned, LEAN will position any dental lab for growth and promote a culture that encourages and supports the team concept. It teaches empowerment, responsibility and solutions.