Whip Mix Blog

5 Questions to Ask Before Buying an Articulator

Written by Sarah Brom-Criscola | April 17, 2014

So you're going to buy an articulator? Articulators are an invaluable aid in the treatment planning of restorative cases. There is an abundance of articulators to choose from, everything from fully adjustable to fixed articulators. In fact, did you know Whip Mix alone has 30 different articulators to choose from? With all the articulator types on the market today, the process of choosing the right one for your dental practice or laboratory can be a little overwhelming. Here are 5 questions you can ask yourself to help determine which articulator is right for you:

Q: Are you planning on using a mandibular tracing device along with your articulator?

A: If the answer is no, then you can bypass all fully adjustable articulators.

Q: Are you taking any bite records?

A: If the answer is no, then you can skip the semi-adjustable articulators; a fixed instrument will work fine! See the Hanau Ulti-Mate (above, bottom, right corner)

Q: Are you taking protrusive bite records?

A: If the answer is yes, then look for a semi-adjustable articulator that offers adjustability on the condylar inclination. See Denar Mark 320 (above, top, right corner)

Q: Are you taking lateral bite records?

A: If the answer is yes, then you should be looking for a semi-adjustable articulator that has adjustability in the progressive and/or immediate side shift (this is often a personal preference to what you believe in). See the Whip Mix 2240 or Denar Mark II Plus (above, top & bottom, left)

Q: What model are you currently using and what is your lab using?

A: If you don't know, the best way to find out is to contact us at 800-626-5651. We will be able to work with you to help identify the model. If you are still looking to change, let’s discuss what you do and do not like about your current articulator.

Other questions you might want to ask include:

  • Do you need an instrument that can be interchangeable?
  • Would you like open or closed tracking?
  • Are you interested in screw-type mounting or magnetic?
  • Are you interested in an articulator for virtual articulation?
  • Do you like having a straight fossae or curved?
  • When you mount your facebow record, do you like mounting directly or indirectly to your articulator? 

While these are just a few things to consider when looking for a new articulator or system, keep in mind that several articulators offer multiple features, so don't be discouraged if you answer yes to a lot of the above questions.